From books by pickup artists to instructional videos by porn stars, what is attractive to women is a dangerously misunderstood topic. Here’s a straight-forward way of understanding the fundamentals of attraction.

What Is Attractive To Women? Not What You Think.

Is privacy good or bad for your relationship? Too much privacy can border on secrecy. Too little privacy and you’ll feel engulfed. Click to find out.

Privacy vs. Secrecy – What’s Healthy and What’s Not

Do you need to apologize to your partner for something you did or said, but don’t know how to make a sincere apology that inspires your partner’s forgiveness?

“I’m Sorry” Isn’t Enough… How To Make A Sincere Apology and Be Forgiven

[VIDEO] If you or your partner struggle to feel emotions, this video may save your life. Learn a simple emotional intelligence trick for how to get in touch with your feelings and share them with your spouse.

How To Get In Touch With Your Feelings

[VIDEO] Have you ever wished your partner would change? Here’s how to get your husband/wife to change (while thinking it was their idea)…

How To Get Your Spouse To Change (and think it was their idea)

Why do some relationships break up and others last a lifetime? One reason is that relationships go through 5 predictable relationship stages. Read on so you don’t get “stuck” in any of them.

The 5 Stages Of Relationships: Which Relationship Stage Is Yours At?

The Power Struggle stage of your relationship begins once you perceive your relationship as being permanent. The intoxicating feelings of being in love get replaced by a primal panic. Here’s how to fix your relationship once the Power Struggle hits.

How To Overcome The Power Struggle Stage In Your Relationship

Having been on both sides of the cheating fence myself (the cheater and the cheated on), I’d like to offer my thoughts on why good people cheat and how to affair-proof your marriage or relationship.

How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage

You can change negative relationship patterns – quickly and permanently in 5 steps. Here’s the 5 step process I take my couples through to break negative relationship patterns…

5 Steps To Change Relationship Patterns

Have you ever gone to a friend or family member for relationship advice and had them advise you to leave your relationship and find another partner instead?

Don’t blindly listen to them… Here’s why.

When To NOT Take Relationship Advice From Your Family & Friends

Until you can appreciate how your partner is different from you, you’ll wind up thinking that your differences are a problem. Click here and learn how your differences can be a gift.

You Drive Me F#cking Crazy! – Why Opposites Attract

Have you ever had a minor disagreement escalate into a full-on screaming match, accompanied by the sounds of slamming doors? Here are some basic communication skills that will help you stop your disagreements escalating into wars.

3 Basic Communication Skills That Instantly Stop Fighting

There is a good time to make decisions that affect your relationship and a bad time. Here’s how to know when to make relationship decisions so that they stick and bring you both what you want.

When To Make Relationship Decisions?

[VIDEO] This gift has nothing to do with sex. It’s not something you can buy or say either. Give this gift to your lover, she/he will be forever grateful to you.

The Only Gift Your Lover Craves (From You)

If you feel like you’re losing your man to porn addiction and just can’t compete against 18-year-old bodies with breasts that defy gravity, this is for you.

Porn Addiction: How To Get Your Man Back

Newsweek magazine estimates that 15 to 20 percent of couples are in a sexless marriage or relationship. If you’re in a sexless marriage, read this.

Help! I’m In A Sexless Marriage

[VIDEO] If you’re facing conflict in your marriage or relationships, here are 4 conflict resolution ideas to stop fighting with your spouse, fight fair and resolve marital conflict.

4 ways to Stop Arguments Escalating into Full Blown Fights

Have you ever wondered which to prioritize – your work life, your spouse or your kids? Actually, the answer is none of them. Click here to discover why.

Work Life Balance: Which should you put first – Career or Relationship?

[VIDEO] Does your relationship feel tense – like an elastic band stretched to its breaking point?

Click here to learn a simple appreciation technique to connect with your lover and melt their heart.

The 10 Second Conflict Cure

[VIDEO] If all you do is fight, you’re probably making all three of these mistakes that couples make when trying to resolve conflict.

“All We Do Is Fight!” – 3 BIG Mistakes YOU Make When Fighting

“How was your day, honey?” – If you’re asking your partner this question at the end of the day, you could be hurting your relationship. Here are 6 questions to ask instead.

6 Questions That CONNECT You Together

16 years ago, a woman I was deeply in love with suddenly left me. I never heard from her again. 16 years later, she contacted me out of the blue and gave me the gift of a perfect apology. Here’s how she did it and how you can too.

The Perfect Apology