After 42 years of marriage, we were stuck and couldn’t continue. We have read many books on marriage, attended and listened to marriage seminars and workshops, participated in individual and marriage counseling, went on a cruise focusing on marriage, and have even attended weeklong “schools” for counselors and pastors. While we received some helpful insights from each of these, we were still stuck. Even though we occupied and operated in the same house, our marriage had been essentially dead for over three years.
Last fall we each participated in separate intensive weekend retreats that brought a lot of insight and healing and freedom as individuals, but we were still stuck in destructive patterns. I continued to pursue learning, and found your Love at First Fight information. My husband said he was all in when I told him I had signed up for the course.
This program has given us practical tools that we have never owned. We have a better understanding of what each of us bring to the table. Our communication patterns were counter productive. This program has provided the means to relearn and apply productive understanding, communication and behavior.
The life-time access to the materials is allowing us to continue to learn, apply and connect. We are also excited about how these positive life-changing tools will affect our relationships with our children, their spouses, our grandchildren, and others in our lives.
We’re encouraging our newly engaged son to go through this with his fiancĂ©e.
We wish we could have had access to the information in this course for our premarital counseling. Now we have the tools (and desire) to continue growing and connecting in significant productive ways.
Thank you, Bruce.