A Success StorY From A GRADUATE OF The Conflict Cure

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We are way more connected than I thought we could be.

I was not being honest about my emotions as I attacked my husband.  I wanted him to understand my need for me, I think, or be understood by him.  I did not realize I was attacking him. 

What this program has done for me is to give me lots of ideas of what and how to work on them.  Relationships are important and doing them well matters to me.

We are way more connected than I thought we could be.  The connection does lead to communication, not the other way around! If I could have known this way sooner, my basic need of connection could have been being met all along.  

I loved the detailed instructions of so many relational topics.  I loved the ability to be in a group not interconnected in life, to feel safe to ask questions.  I loved how you coached on the calls-an excellent deal!!!  I learned so much hearing you coach the other couples and individuals.  That was great.  Thank you (and them).

The live coaching calls after we studied and worked were so great!!!

Thank you for sharing your wealth of information that you have gathered.  I do believe I got more out of this than we would have with equal number of weeks in a counseling situation.  You shared so much information.  Such helpful info.  I hope to slowly go back through the material.

Thank you!

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and learn more about how The Conflict Cure can help you.