A Success StorY From A GRADUATE OF The Conflict Cure

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The Mentoring Calls have been absolutely awesome!!! We love them!

Now, after four weeks into the program, we are loving each other, she has moved back in with me.

Our arguments are a thing of the past, we are connected and we have acquired so many tools to de-escalate and resolve conflict, that it rarely occurs anymore.

We were simply ignorant and quite frankly, didn’t know how to love each other, that awareness and realization overall was a very humbling experience!

I am now able to love her and she is able to love me.

We have gained valuable insight and understanding as to what went wrong, why it went wrong and why we both suffered so painfully for 5 long and agonizing years.

We no longer live with fear, hurt, unresolved conflict, anger or disconnection.

We are not perfect and still have on occasion a disagreement, but it resolves very quickly and we can easily love each other and end things in a warm embrace instead of a “freeze & flee” result which is so destructive.

We will always be grateful Bruce for what you have given us in this program, it has saved our relationship, our lives, our original music along with our hopes, aspirations, and dreams.

We now live in peace and harmony and can be the loving songwriting team that we need to be to make our existence successful. We look forward to completing the program and making LAFF a lifestyle for the remainder of our lives.

When we are done, we will on occasion repeat the program so it stays fresh and we can obtain deeper things we didn’t catch the first time though.

I burned all the Mentoring Calls to date (4 weeks along with the welcome call) onto a CD that we listen to in the car, and although we have attended every Mentoring Call, we have found that we get so much out of doing this.

We gain much deeper insight, are able to listen more in-depth and get more out of it after multiple listens.

I was a bit skeptical when I found out that we would meet as a group and thought that perhaps I might get a bit lost in the mix, but I was wrong to doubt in any fashion, it turns out just as you said, being part of the group works extremely well and offers more than what we would probably get out of doing it one on one.

Things that I didn’t think of in many cases someone else did, or problems that I thought I didn’t have someone else did and I was just not aware that I had the same troubles or had not faced them yet.

We have learned a lot listening to the perspective of others, listening to your responses to them as well as sharing our journey and where we are at and getting feedback on that.

The Mentoring Calls have been absolutely awesome!!! We love them!

Click here to stop arguing, start connecting, and be happy together,
and learn more about how The Conflict Cure can help you.